
Hackers ruin Putin’s Victory Day parade with humiliating comparison on live TV

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”VideoObject”,”name”:””,”duration”:”T1M22S”,”thumbnailUrl”:””,”uploadDate”:”2024-05-09T15:23:27+0100″,”description”:”When Russian viewers expected to see Victory Day commemorations, they were instead shown calls for the impeachment of ‘imposter’ president Putin and Russian soldiers with the word ‘killer’ labelled on

Ukraine wipes out 100 Russian troops with missile secretly sent by US

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”VideoObject”,”name”:””,”duration”:”T2M”,”thumbnailUrl”:””,”uploadDate”:”2024-05-03T15:01:38+0100″,”description”:”The strike was reportedly some 48 miles behind the frontline at a training base.”,”contentUrl”:”″,”height”:270,”width”:480} To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports